Take 34: Anxiety is Good?

Season 4 of Take it On begins with a bang, as the boys are joined by best-selling author, world-renowned speaker, and acclaimed professor of neuroscientist, Dr. Wendy Suzuki. Dr. Suzuki shares critical insights from her new book, “Good Anxiety,” detailing how daily anxiety can be leveraged to make us more focused, resilient, and less stressed (5:55). Dr. Suzuki then describes her earlier work in exercise science, sharing her life-changing discovery about the potent effects of an exercise regimen on our mental and emotional well-being (11:25). Throughout, Dr. Suzuki shares practical strategies to incorporate in your daily lives, such as box breathing (17:33) and the minimum exercise timing needed to give your brain a bubble-bath (19:30).



Nobody Told Me Podcast


307: NYU’s Dr. Wendy Suzuki